Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council Officers and Representatives for 2017-2018! We are looking forward to working with you all this year! Meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month in Ms. Wallace's room at 2:40 pm. 


President- Cate Dennis

Vice President- Boux DeLong

Historian- Jazmyne Gilbert

Secretary- Tristan Pierce


Littleton- Jaydin Chilcote and Madison Taptto

Toledo- Hallie Pooschke and Maya Walker

Gorbet- Grace Adair and Emma Kirby

Monroe- Dorsey Dill and Emily Cameron

Chavez- Logan Bidle and Jackson Dunnam

Wallace- Addie Bratzler and Tina Agaba

Rockrohr- Jakhia Cooley and Braxtan Klein

Ashenfelter- Jacob Dixon and Synia Hutchinson

Installation of officers will be held October 3rd @ 6:00 pm